
You will be working with a partner of your choosing on a Civil War newspaper which will be in the format of a PowerPoint Presentation. It will have 7 pages.

Arrange your pages IN THIS ORDER.
Page 1: The Banner
This includes the title, the cost (5 - 10 cents), the city your newspaper is printed from, and the date, and the name of the publishers - that’s you! Oh, and period number!
Page 2: Headline Article - about Fort Sumter (give a little background)
Page 3: Special Feature - your choice (see ideas below)
Page 4: Interview with soldier
Page 5: Editorial - Slavery
Page 6: Political Cartoon
Page 7: Extra Credit Movie Review - Any Civil War Movie e.g. 'Glory', 'Gettysburg', 'Killer Angels'

It is reasonable for you and your partner divide up the pages evenly. Obviously, some are easier than others. So I would suggest that these sets be divided up.

Both Partners - Banner, Political Cartoon, Movie Review (extra credit)
Partner 1 - Headline article, editorial
Partner 2 - Special Feature, Interview


Movie Review - Any Civil War Movie e.g. 'Glory', 'Gettysburg', 'Killer Angels' - extra credit

There should be no animations or sound effects in your PowerPoint. You can use graphics, backgrounds, and text however you'd like to make your PowerPoint Newspaper more interesting and authentic looking.

Each article should be no less than 200 words, which is enough to fill up one PowerPoint page using 16 - 18 point font, and still leave room for a larger title. Adjust the size of your title to fit.

Use one of the following fonts only: Times New Roman, Helvetica, Comic sans, or Schoolbook.

You can search the web, and cull information from websites. However, the writing should be yours. (It’s easy these days to copy text and run a check to see if it is similar to anything, anywhere, on the web. Copying another’s writing (plagarism) will be grounds for an incomplete assignment.

2. Articles may - but don't have to - have a graphic: You can find pictures by Matthew Brady to insert into your newspaper:
Date Due: Friday, June 17
36 Points Possible, Plus 5 points for the movie review